Learn how to integrate your own custom fonts into your CF site

My newest tutorial video for the "Custom Font" series is up! In the video, I teach you how you can import your downloaded fonts into the your own CF website.

Polar8+ClickFunnels Templates

New beautiful desktop + mobile friendly page templates are added to the members area every month. Pages are sectioned off so you can import the template funnel, save the section, and then import a section that you like into your own page.

👨🏻‍💻 CSS Tricks

The editor can be intimidating, especially when it comes to adding CSS. Check out our 'How To's on YouTube where we explain and show you how to take your pages to the next level with a little bit of code. 

🎨 Free Resources

I've been collecting sites, apps, and fonts that offer free assets that I, myself, love utilizing in my own designs/websites. Since I get asked this question all the time from my peers and friends, I decided to share it with you guys here...

You don't need other platforms to make your website look awesome, function well, and sell with hyper efficiency.

It's time to stop blaming the tool (and yourself for the lack of time you've invested in learning ClickFunnels) and start making things happen. Trust me, ClickFunnels is as much, if not more, capable than most of its' competitors. Why not give my templates a go, and spice up your brand.

What can I do for you to make your business better than yesterday?


Master the ClickFunnels app in simplified segmented tutorials aimed for all levels of users. I cover everything from webpage implementation techniques and "how to-s" in the editor, to setting up domains, and FUFs.


Knowledge is power! There are so many freebies out in the 'www'. I'm always coming across neat resources and free illustrations, sales guide and other "how tos". 

Exclusive Content + Resources

On the membership side I'm working on creating professionally designed templates, and also neat exclusive tutorials on setting up your account and quickly selling products.

I am honestly lost...

And that's totally okay. I also feel completely lost at some phases of my processes. Send us a message and maybe it's something simple as a connection that you needed or a small key word that may just spark a new idea.
Make sure to follow us and support us on Instagram and Facebook. We are always looking for feedback on how we can make your experience better, so don't be afraid to message us anytime. 

Illustrations by https://icons8.com/


© Polar 8 - 2020
Powered By ClickFunnels.com